Thursday, December 25, 2008

Amazing product!

Merry Christmas to all!

I have discovered an amazing product. The world cruise goes to the Great Barrier Reef (among other great snorkeling spots) and it was a site I didn't want to miss. I can't see squat without my glasses and can no longer wear contacts so I decided to invest in a prescription snorkel mask. To my amazement you can find them on the Internet for $65! Imagine, all these years seeing blurred fish when for only $65 I could have seen them clearly.

But that is not what this post is about. In my research for a prescription snorkel mask I discovered a product that I did not know existed, 3M Press-On lenses, that I got for $18.50 each from a company called Western Ophthalmics. Now I can see with my swim goggles too. Wow! There is a formula they use to calculate which power to order. It is the same for the prescription snorkel mask and press-on lenses so they are both the same power which will make it easy too switch between the two. They both work wonderfully here in the house. Can't wait to try them out in the ocean.

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