Monday, December 29, 2008

Flight back home - Check!

I'm happy to report I booked my flight today. The cruise ends in Dover England which left two possibilities to get home. One was the QM2. The other was to use miles for a flight. I would love to experience the QM2 (minus all the formal wear) just in case I should ever be fortunate enough to have an opportunity to do her world cruise.

My strategy was going to be to wait until after final payment for the QM2 and see where the rates were at that time. If they weren't attractive I would book a miles flight home. That all fell apart when United announced it was raising the miles required to book a flight between Europe and North America in 2009. So I decided to book today, Dec. 29th 2008. I have successfully snagged a first class round trip air, out of London to Denver and then in the fall, back to Rome.

Now some of you may be scratching your heads, where did Rome come from? Whenever I've done a round trip air at the end of the cruise where I'm only using one of the legs for the cruise I book the other to meet up with a transatlantic in the other direction. I've got my eye on the Princess 3 Continent Cruise which goes to Europe, Africa and South America before ending in Fort Lauderdale. Sounds like a very nice itinerary. If I change my mind and pick another cruise I can always change the date or routing on the flight with just a small charge from United.

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