About a week ago I put Google Analytics code into the blog so can see that for the last week there are about 80 people following each day. I can also see the countries and states everyone is from. I would love to hear your comments on the blog, where you are from and anything else you would like to say about yourself. I'm also happy to answer any questions.
I have the comments on 'moderate' mode which means I have to view them before they are published. As a result there will be a delay before they appear.
Lurking and enjoying your trip from Western Colorado. Thanks for taking the time and $ to share with us.
I was so excited when I saw that you would be blogging about your world cruise that I immediately added it to my favourites.
I have checked back in nearly everyday and have travelled "virtually" with you to every country through your writings and your gorgeous pictures.
Since I will never be able to do a trip of this magnitude, following yours has been an interesting journey over the past months.
Thank you for taking so much of your precious time to share your adventures with those of us at home.
I've found it interesting to virtually travel with you on your world cruise! It seems that you have had a great time, but then again, great probably isn't the best word to describe it! ~ Katie :)
I too have been following your blog sine you left Florida. It is so interesting and your pictures are fabulous. As a frequent cruiser I know how expensive it is and what a pain it is to post everyday. Thank you for taking me along on your journey. I've really enjoyed reading about your travels. Have a safe trip home.
Since I was fortunate enough to share 6 weeks of this fabulous cruise with you, it has been great reading about your tours and experiences, viewing the photos and keeping up with where you have been and what has been happening onboard the ship
Thanks for everything.
Stay in touch.
Susie B.
It has been fantastic travelling the world with you, I have loved every minute and am sorry to see it end. As you are im sure :)
Thanks for sharing your amazing journey with us all.
Queensland Australia
I'm curious as to how you can spare so many days away from your family/job, and about an estimate of cost for the cruise/excursions. Its been eye opening to follow you though all these days. Well done!
Jared here read your blog from day 1
I have enjoyed reading your blog and living vicariously through you! My mom & dad were on the cruise with you and they had sent me your card (with your blog addy)! My parents are Lisa & Louis - they mentioned that you're one of the young ones on the ship (not retired!) and that you take great photos! and I must agree! Seeing your photos has inspired me to visit some of the places you've blogged about! I particularly enjoyed the photos of Angkor Wat and Dubai (esp. lobby of Burj al Arab). However, reading your posts on the pirate drill & your "bad decision" near the Taj Mahal Hotel put me at the edge of my seat! I'm relieved that it all ended well!
I was able to follow your blog several times a week. And doing so, connected me with my parents in a way, as I was able to imagine what they were seeing! You're so fortunate to have had such a grand opportunity to travel the world. Thank you for sharing your photos & experiences with us :)
Have a safe journey back home!
Take care!
Enjoying your pictures and comments. You really got some unusual angles that don't get in the run of the mill pictures I've seen. I especially liked your perspective in the pyramids. It's been fun to see you looking more relaxed as the days went by.
I found your blog when I returned from Segment 1 on the Royal, and loved seeing what you did, and then couldn't stop following you for a glimpse of what was ahead for my Mom (on the full Royal world cruise). I was going to stop following after Dubai (since the itineraries diverged), but was addicted. Glad you had a wonderful world cruise (with only a few "blips" but that's part of the experience), really admire you're traveling on your own, and thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your travels with us. A trip such as this is one found only in my dreams, and to "go" on it vicariously through your eyes has been wonderful.
As another poster mentioned, my visits here were daily with my morning coffee, always hoping for an update. When you were "off the ship", I eagerly awaited your return to update everyone on your adventure.
Wishing you a safe journey home, and hope that if you ever travel afar again you'll consider sharing it with us.
I was on your sister ship - the Royal Princess for Segment 1 of the World Tour - FLL to Sydney for 35 days....I hated leaving the ship and still am sad...your blog has been wonderful and helped me feel like I was still on the ship. I will miss it...you have done a wonderful job. Thank you.
Real Estate Pat
Thanks for sharing this cruise for all of us. Seeing that I was on the Tahitian Princess in Novermber and you writing about it made me some day cruise this ship. Your pictures and talks about where you went and what you saw were the greates. I know that you enjoyed it very much. I am from Richland, Washington and am 70 years old
This was recommended to me by a family member of yours, I have loved every minute of it, wish I could do to, I thank you for the experience , it was a great trip, Thank you again form K. Sato in Canada
Thanks so much Michelle for taking us along - I was lucky and found you just before India - what a journey - what a blog - again thanks
Jane (Australia)
I am a faithful lurker--checked everyday (except for our transatlantic cruise in March)
It has been so refreshing to read about a world cruise from the viewpoint of a true traveler--not a tourist or a cruise ship passenger.
Your independent spirit makes this a wonderful read.
Thank you from a fellow DIY minded cruiser who finds beauty and wonder everywhere I go.
Thank you for taking the time and making such a great job of this blog. We have followed your trip with around the world and enjoyed every minute. Our neighbours were on the ship with you and it was fun to imagine John and Mary as they saw such wonders. We were on the Royal Princess last year for a trans-Atlantic Northern crossing, so we knew some of the joys (and problems)with a small ship.
Wishing you many more adventures - Pat from Toronto, Canada
I have been following your blog from the beginning and have really enjoyed reading about your adventures and viewing your pictures. Thanks for taking all of us lurkers along.
I have been following your trip since the beginning and so enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading about your experiences. I'm sorry the cruise is over as I looked forward to checking in and seeing what you had done. Thanks for taking the time to do this!
Thanks for sharing your incredible journey! I think I found your blog on cruisecritic & really have enjoyed your insights.
Laura in Houston
I enjoyed reading your great descriptions of the places you were visiting and seeing the pictures. I have always wanted to do a World cruise and with following your adventure it makes me want to even more. I wish you well.
Welcome Home!
Thanks for a wonderful journey. Please keep us briefed on your homecoming and any other thoughts you might have post tour. Once again, many thanks for taking us on this journey with you.
Hi Michelle,
It's just amazing where the time went and I have really enjoyed and looked forward to reading your daily report. It gave a nice insight to the experience of doing such a wonderful cruise. I did wonder at the beginning whether 3 months on a small ship like TP may be a bit much but you appeared to have grown more confortable onboard as time passed. Given the chance again, would you go for a larger ship next time? Thanks very much for sharing the experience. Regards David
Hi Michelle,
I am yet another who has enjoyed very much following you along on your extensive travels and I thank you for the effort expended in providing us all with such wonderful reporting.
Wayne (Melbourne, Australia)
It's been a true experience following your blog since even before you left Ft. Lauderdale. With my mom and stepdad (Forrest & Bonnie) on the cruise as well, you helped me stay informed as I anxiously awaited their e-mails and photos. It seems you chose many different shore excursions than they did so it was fantastic hearing from both of you. Sounds like a true experience of a lifetime. Thanks for all of your hard efforts you put forth in sharing such a wonderful experience with us.
I can't tell you how grateful my family and I are to have been able to follow your blog. The photos and descriptions gave us a glimpse of what our parents were seeing. I came upon your blog by accident before the cruise began, and thank goodness for that! All of the time you put into writing about each day was amazing--it was a nice highlight of each day to check what was going on! God bless you on your next journey! :)
Thank you for all your wonderful photos and comments. I joined the ship for only 5 days (Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur) but continued to follow the itinerary since 2 of my friends were on board, and the various other people I met during my short stay. What a great trip!
Thanks again.
Loved following this trip of a lifetime. We wrote to you early in your journey and loved reading about you and this trip every day! Good luck in the future!! We are still considering doing this in nine months, but truly appreciated your honest views,
Cheryl and Rich
New Mexico
Thank you for letting us join in your adventure. Your photos are outstanding and all of your advance planning very organized and informative. So many other wonderful comments, please consider me a ditto to all.
I notice you list blogs that you follow. We hooked on to the end of a Holland America Grand Cruise and there were some wonderful bloggers onboard. Was so nice to be able to thank them in person. If you get withdrawals here are a few that I really enjoyed. (Others are listed in blog.)
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