Monday, January 19, 2009

Crossing the equator

Today was another lovely day at sea.

We had our cruise critic cabin crawl and got to see a number of different cabin types. It was an excellent way to see the selection available on the ship. We then had a nice lunch in the dining room.

We crossed the equator and had the customary ceremony where they pick a few unfortunate polywogs (sp?) dump some food on them, have them kiss the fish and then declare us all shellbacks. It was funny and nicely done.

There were 2 lectures today. I can't see them in the lounge so watched part of the one on Ecuador on TV but the one that the former United Nations Chief Weapons Inspector did they couldn't seem to run with sound. I'm hoping to catch it if they run it again.

I walked around the track for 26 laps after dinner. It is the best time to be out because although it is hot and muggy without the sun it is very pleasant. I also got my water exercises in.

Tomorrow is Manta Ecuador. I have a ships tour scheduled.

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