Friday, January 2, 2009

Vaccines, oh how sick they can make you

I went to Passport Health for my travel vaccines. They recommended flu, Hep. A, Hep. B, Typhoid and the combo Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis. I'm not one to be against vaccines, but I am a bit cautions about taking 5 at one time. As a result I took just two, the flu and T/D/P. I was sick for 3 days. My arms hurt. I felt feverish. While walking the dogs I had to stop since I felt like I was going to throw up and was unsteady on my feet. I had gotten the Thermisol free flu vaccine so wasn't expecting a bad reaction.

I go back to get Hep. A and Typhoid. I decided not to get Hep. B due to not having enough time to follow the protocol. I went to a different branch of Passport Health. The nurse was faxed my original paperwork, on which I had put that I was allergic to formaldehyde. She questioned me about it and we jointly decide for me not to get Hep. A. So now I'm wondering what was in the other 2 that made me so sick. Could it have been formaldehyde? My impression was that the original nurse didn't really believe me when I said I was allergic to thermisol and formaldehyde, even though I explained that I had a Clifford Test that showed that I was. She still seemed doubtful. Why I should have to convince her when I listed it on my form as an allergy is beyond me. She recommended the Hep. A and never mentioned that it had formaldehyde in it and if I had given the OK she would have given me the shot without telling me.

Passport Health charges a large amount for each vaccine. My recommendation is stay away from them since they will endanger your health to get more $s! In the future I will go to the county health clinic that does vaccinations and charges a fair amount for them.

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