Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another calm day on the Coral Sea

Today we sailed on calm glass-like water. It was a wonderful ride! It was again hot and humid. Every time a door opened to the outside it felt like a blast from a furnace.

Tomorrow we stop in Rabaul, Papa New Guinea. This is a very exotic stop. So much so that many on board have been cutting it down. As a result, everyone has very low expectations. I am very much looking forward to it. I prefer the more exotic stops to those that have USA-like shopping malls.

Currently Rabaul has an active volcano. It has been acting up recently and the airports are currently shut down due to the ash in the air. However, we are told that we will be able to make our scheduled stop. Some of the entertainers were scheduled to get off here and be replaced by a new batch. However due to the flights being canceled they are not getting off until Guam. I'm scheduled to go on a tour that includes the Volcanological Observatory, see a bubbling beach where underwater vents heat seawater to boiling and stop at a local village.

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