Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday at sea

The TP treated us to Sunday brunch today. It was a nice change of pace but I think I will likely forgo it next time in favor of keeping a 3 meal a day schedule.

Today I attended a learn sign language class, got in my water exercises, took a nap after brunch, attended a sign language class and walked 35 minutes after dinner.

We have very good lectures. Today's was a lecture on the Concorde and yesterday's was on the SS France which became the SS Norway. I caught bits and pieces of them on the TV and they both looked good.

Tomorrow's are on Latin America Psyche, The Ile de France and the Normandie. There is also a discussion on Peru, Two Different Worlds. All three look good. Besides this there are many other activities to choose from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading about the lectures. They do sound very interesting. I agree with you about trying to keep to 3 meals a day. Glad you are having fun. Thanks for sharing.