Friday, February 20, 2009

Nap time

I didn't mention it in my Sydney post but I did not sleep well the night before Sydney due to the roughest water that I have felt on this trip. That combined with the busy day yesterday caused me to be tired today. I took a nap after lunch and slept until dinner. Oooh that felt good!

After dinner everyone from the next sitting was raving about the show so I thought I would pop in to see for myself. Surprisingly the singer was a cut above the normal cruise ship singer so I stayed, working my way through three chairs to try and be comfortable. After that I went up top to see the lit up coast line and the electrical show from a brewing storm. Beautiful! Tomorrow Brisbane!


Anonymous said...

What was the name of the singer?

Kiwi Kruzer said...

Hi Michelle'
Not sure if this pic will come out but caught Tahitian Princess today as Pacific Sun was leaving


Anonymous said...

The singer was Drew Ashley.