Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to the ship

Pic. 1 is of the ship anchored in the bay. Sorrento was a tender port for us which means we take the ship's small boats into the port and are not docked.

Then it was back to the ship to prepare for Chivitavecchia. This is the port for Rome. I will be going into the port city to explore since I have already spent considerable time in Rome.


Sheree Clem said...

I'd very much like to hear about your day in port in Civvitechvechia....(I can't even pronounce it let alone spell it). We too have spent time in Rome and thought the port call city of C.... might be interesting. Sheree

AWorldCruise4Me said...

Hi Sheree,

Good to see you are still with me. I got your comment before writing my Civitaveccia post so hopefully it helped some. Thanks for writing! Each bus on the Medieval Hills excursion went to a different place for the food so you may go to a different farm/hotel if you take that one.
