Friday, March 20, 2009

Enormous Angkor Wat

Our guide directed me to take a photo of Angkor Wat in the reflecting pool out front (pic. 1). It was enormous! Pic. 2 shows the length of the outer walls. These walls are completely covered in carvings that tell a variety of stores and have a number of themes. We walked around the entire outside while the guide told us about the various carvings. Each of the 4 sides had a different theme. The amount of work that went into them was mind boggling. Unfortunately I didn't get a good photo due to the light making them appear fairly flat.

Pic. 3 shows the passage way through multiple chambers (smaller than rooms but larger than hallways). There were large raised separations between the chambers. I asked about them because they were not easy to walk over and had not all been outfitted with stairs however they were present with every doorway. The guide indicated that it was due to the building method of stacking stones. To support the stress that the doorway bore for the structure they put in these large stone beams to support the structure. In some areas such as pic. 3 they have been retrofitted with stairs. In many areas they were not. Pic. 4 shows an interior area. The sunken area was a pool for bathing.

Pic. 5 shows more carved figures in the temple.

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