Friday, March 20, 2009

Stairs in Angkor Wat

The stairs throughout the Cambodian temples were steep and narrow (pic. 1). Pic. 2 shows the upper level in Angkor Wat. It was closed now for stabilization. I believe they are also going to add stairs. The original ones are very high and narrow. Many were slightly narrower than my foot turned sideways. The only way to walk on them was to step sideways up or down and hold on with your hands when they were narrower than your foot so as not to lose your balance. Pic. 3 is descending back to the lower level.

Pic. 4 is another pool area. Pic. 5 is of an interior hallway. You can see remnants of the red paint used. In other areas you could see blue and green.

Pic. 6 shows yet another carving style.

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