Monday, March 23, 2009

2 days at sea

I missed posting yesterday so this covers both sea days prior to Singapore. I decided to see the Dr. because my lungs were starting to gurgle when I breathed and it had been about 2 weeks since I started to get a scratchy throat. Initially I thought the scratchy throat and cough were due to pollution but they had turned into a cold. The Dr. says I have an upper respiratory infection so I started antibiotics yesterday. I had brought some Cipro from home so am taking that. Last night was definitely better, less gurgling. But today I'm tired. I don't know if it is from the infection or the antibiotics. Alot of people on the ship have had colds or coughs so it seems something has gone around.

Today was the closing for Malaysia shore excursions, I canceled mine and will just do something around the ship. I also canceled the one for Port Blair. Tomorrow is Singapore. Singapore is supposed to be not too bad for pollution which will help with my lungs. I had not planned an excursion there since I have spent about 3-4 weeks in Singapore previously and seen all the tourist sights. I'll just go off the ship and see what strikes my interest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. You are smart to take it easy for a couple of days. I love your pictures. Thanks so much.