Monday, March 30, 2009

Boat finished!

My team's boat for the boat competition is done! I think it turned out really well and am looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I will post a picture of it then.

We are being judged on:
Seaworthiness - Does it float in calm and rough seas?
Appearance - Including originality of design, special features,(such as propulsion, fancy amenities, construction team uniforms, etc) and decorative elements.
Cargo Capacity - Loaded up with 6 full 12 ounce cans and tested in calm and rough seas.

Wish us luck!


chet the jet said...

Being an enginer you should win it hands down. If it were me an accountant I could pay the judges off and win that way.

AWorldCruise4Me said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Chet! I have met alot of engineers on the ship so it may be that every team has some. I would be interested to see what the percentage of different occupations are for world cruisers.

I've never seen a boat building competition on a cruise ship before so it will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.