Sunday, March 1, 2009

Semi rough day at sea

Today we had rough water again. Deck 5 was closed.

I attended a Show and Tell for items bought in port. It was interesting to see the treasures people have bought along the way. I brought along my volcano head, alpaca sweater and some of the port commemorative jewelry that I have picked up.

We also had a Guam port tips talk. Guam is a popular vacation spot for the Japanese because it is only 3 hours away by plane and it is considered part of the USA due to being a US territory. I'm going to catch the free bus into town and then head to a hotel for a beach day.


Anonymous said...

Do you feel that a bigger ship would be smoother in rough seas and will you have the same Captain and crew throughout the whole cruise?
Which port are you most looking forward to in Asia?
It's great following your blog, I'm learning lots about the places you visit.
Happy cruising!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the following! Yes, I think a bigger ship would be more stable. We bounce around in the slightest of seas. The captain changes in Hong Kong for us. For the Royal Princess world cruise I believe it changed in Sydney. The crew constantly changes over so some are always coming and going. For Asia I'm most looking forward to Bangkok. However I have two overland scheduled there, Great Wall of China and Angkor Wat so I'm pretty excited about those also.